Mail-It Annual Food Drive

Mail-It Unlimited’s Annual Food Drive

Bill and Anna Gallant, owners of Mail-It Unlimited in Kennebunk, are once again showing their appreciation to their community – this time to celebrate their landmark 30th year in business!

“We know this is a hard time for food drives. People don’t think about food drives in the “off season,” Bill Gallant said. “But the food banks are pretty well depleted by this time of the year, so it is a really good synergy to have it now.”  Bill and Anna Gallant are very sensitive to the need for food drives and understand there is a growing need even here in the Kennebunks. They are doing their part and are encouraging the folks in the communities of Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel to support this food drive also.

If you are interested in dropping off food items at the store (see recommended items below), the hours are M-F 8:30am-6:00pm; Saturday 9am-5pm; and Sunday 10am-4pm. Food and money donations are accepted earlier if you are away that week. As a special thank you for their 30 years of business in the Kennebunks and to celebrate giving back to the community, Bill and Anna are offering a coupon for 30% off your next purchase!

Community Outreach Services and the Animal Welfare Society will benefit from proceeds from the food drive. Bill and Anna will also be running a friendly competition between the COS and AWS drives using their dog Allie who will represent the AWS. Bill will be updating the results of the competition on their Facebook page.

We will also keep you posted right here on our website so keep checking for updates or follow-us on Facebook. We appreciate folks like Bill and Anna Gallant who are helping support those in need right here in our own backyard.

Recommended Food Items

  • Mac and Cheese
  • Mayonnaise
  • Instant mashed potatoes
  • Spaghettios
  • Ramen noodles
  • Pancake syrup
  • Jello
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Canned Hams
  • Beef stew
  • Muffin Mixes
  • Cookie and Cake mixes
  • Tunafish
  • Spaghetti Sauce

Keep the Joy in Serving Others Alive

I was chatting with someone the other day and he was sharing with me his concern for the future of non-profit, service-oriented organizations. He was aware of at least two organizations whose numbers of members were getting so small due to the aging factor, that he predicted in a few years they would not be in existence anymore. His concern came from the logic that the lack of younger folks replacing the ones no longer able to physically serve would be the extinction of these service clubs. He believed younger people growing up are so attached now to their cell phones for socialization, that there would be no desire on their part for them to gather as volunteers and serve in these organizations. Boy, that was a depressing conversation.

But I had some good news for him. And this is good news for all. COS just had the local Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts hold very successful food drives because they wanted to do something to help their community. They brought over their donations with great excitement and zeal. It was awesome as I watched these girls so excited not just to deliver the food to our Pantry, but also to engage in the process of how we provide boxes of food for families who call saying they need food. While I am not sure these cute little ones fully understood when I told them that there are actually family members right here in the Kennebunks who have very little to no food at times, I am certain of this – there was a seed planted in them that I hope will blossom into someday their serving in their communities. May this serve as a reminder to us all how important it is we plant these seeds and give our young people an opportunity to experience the joy of serving others.

Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving. Giving Tuesday takes advantage of social media, word of mouth, and the generosity of people just like you to accomplish lasting change in your community. To read more about the national organization behind the event, click here.

We hope this day encourages the donation of your time, resources and talents to meet local needs right here in the Kennebunks. At this time of the year, many are busy with their Holiday plans, travels and shopping – but what opportunities for giving to charity have you considered?

Our Programs Help With:

Food Pantry

This program provides boxes of assorted non-perishable foods to families in Kennebunk, Kennebunkport, and Arundel. The Produce Pantry provides perishable foods and baked goods that have been donated by stores, farms, and community gardens in the area. Read more

Fuel Assistance

The Fuel Assistance Program provides heating fuel on an emergency basis in response to requests made through the General Assistance offices. We deliver up to 100 gallons of emergency fuel oil to get those “in the cold” the necessary fuel to stay warm. Read more

Specific Needs

This program is targeted towards children and the elderly, and provides assistance with eye exams and glasses, summer camp scholarships, clothing, medical attention, car repairs, rent, utility bill payments, etc. Read more