COS by the Numbers

Neighbor needs continue to grow

As demand for COS services grew exponentially in 2020 with the COVID pandemic, it was critical for the organization to start closely monitoring and tracking the number of neighbors served. In doing so we are better able to understand the current and future needs of our communities and plan for these accordingly.

Success in meeting the needs of our neighbors is entirely dependent on managing the thousands of hours our volunteers work and the hundreds of thousands of pounds of food and supplies we are able to source through no cost methods. So we track these metrics as well to make sure we are able to keep up with demand while efficiently deploying financial resources to keep operations running smoothly.

2023 was another record year in terms of neighbors served and volunteer hours – here are some highlights:

Total Visits: 8434 individuals served through 3936 household visits

Neighbors Served: 558 individuals in 275 households (including 276 new individuals)

Volunteer Workforce: 216 volunteers donated over 6370 hours (over 120 hours/week)

No Cost Food Sourced: 106,577 pounds valued at $204,629

COS maintains a comprehensive database of neighbors served including numbers for the towns we serve: Arundel, Kennebunk, and Kennebunkport. Knowing who and how we serve our neighbors helps our team and board of directors identify needs and ways our organization can continue to support our community.