Tour Our Pantry
Come Tour Our Food Pantry
COS is so very thankful for all those who have been a part of helping us help our neighbors in Kennebunk, Kennebunkport and Arundel. We recognize that there is a common thread that weaves us all together; it is the thread of human compassion for our neighbors in need. Your specific and unique piece to this thread has enabled COS to come alongside those with food, fuel, and specific needs for over 30 years.
We were recently blessed, securing the use of our new facility at 19 Park Street in Kennebunk. We would love to have you tour our Food Pantry while it is open for shoppers.
Our model of operation is not the standard and typical “pick up a box or bag of food packaged by volunteers and off you go.” Rather, it is like shopping at a local small mom & pop grocery store. Our hours are Mondays 12pm – 2pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays 3pm – 5pm, and Fridays 9am – 12pm. If you would like to visit our Food Pantry during off hours, we would love to have you come then as well. Please contact Mark Jago, our Executive Director, for a tour by contacting him at 985-3844.