School is back in session after the winter break, and the Food-4-Thought Backpack Program volunteers have resumed packing weekend food packs for participating children at Mildred L. Day elementary school! The start of 2016 marks the halfway point for the Backpack Program’s first year providing the weekend food packs. The new year also provides a great opportunity for us to reflect on our program’s f
irst five months and focus on how to best serve the needs in our community.
irst five months and focus on how to best serve the needs in our community.
The roots of the program go back to September 2014, when a small group of community members began meeting to try to find a way to address childhood hunger in our towns. Over the course of that first year, we developed a unique model for our backpack program, partnered with community members and existing resources, and exceeded our fundraising goal! We chose Mildred L. Day elementary school to pilot the program, with a goal of extending the program to every school in the district within five years. Our program provides food packs on Friday afternoons for children to bring home for the weekend.
With the support of a large group of dedicated volunteers and strong community partners, we are excited to be able to offer our Food-4-Thought Backpack Program to other elementary schools in the district before the end of the 2015-2016 school year! We are thrilled about being able to expand the program ahead of schedule, and will be continuing to explore ways to maximize program participation not only at Mildred L. Day school, but at the other elementary schools as well.
If you, your company, or someone you know would like to support the Food-4-Thought Backpack Program or any of COS’s other community programs, please let us know.
Andrea Brown at for Backpack Program, and
Beth Jones at for other COS Programs.