Core Programs

COS Core Programs

Over the years in an effort to meet the many growing needs of the community, COS expanded their assistance programs to include the following services:

Food Programs

COS manages a number of  “needs based” Food programs.

Our in-store grocery style Food Pantry serves our neighbors in Arundel, Kennebunk, and Kennebunkport. Neighbors are assisted by our personal shoppers who often develop supportive relationships with the families they serve. Our store requires a large team of volunteers: food donation pickup drivers, grocery and merchandising teams, greeters who welcome shoppers, inventory and order management teams, cleaning and maintenance – and our caring personal shoppers.

COS works with Good Shepherd Food Bank and our three towns to identify efficient ways to reach neighbors who can’t make it to our Food Pantry. Our Mobile Food Pantry is equipped to store and transport perishable and non-perishable items to locations in our community. For others with mobility or transportation challenges, we work with town GA offices on services like community ride programs and home delivery.

School Snacks is our program supporting students in area schools. This program focuses on making food available to students – working with staff, counselors, and nurses who make sure these items are accessible in a way that helps alleviate food insecurity and promote healthy eating habits.

The Holiday Food Baskets program was started by local churches in the Kennebunks and dates back generations.  COS accepted management of the program a number of years ago to help support the distribution of meals containing turkey or chicken and all the fixings for nutritious holiday dinners.

Fuel Program

The Fuel program partners with our local GA offices to help neighbors deal with the painfully cold temperatures common in Maine winters as the costs of heating fuels continue to rise.  The GA offices work with organizations such as COS to coordinate funding to purchase heating fuel for local residents.

Specific Needs Program

The Specific Needs program partners with our local GA offices to assist neighbors who need a little extra help to make ends meet. This might be seniors struggling to pay rent or medical expenses, young families with emergency car repairs, or parents who could use assistance with back to school clothing or supplies.